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Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

1.Ras Mohamed National Park:

Maximum depth: 750m +

Visibility: up to 50m

Made up of three coral apexes that raise up nearly to the surface. This location highlights the remains of the wreck Yolanda and its cargo, counting the plunging world’s most celebrated toilets. Kaleidoscopic corals develop here much obliged to the different streams within the zone. Marine life changes from the littlest nudibranch to the laziest turtle, and amid the summer months jumpers are treated to an plenitude of huge angle schools that accumulate to duplicate.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt


Maximum depth: 100m +

Visibility: up to 50m

Elphinstone could be a 375m long, off-shore reef beginning nearly at the surface with drop-offs slipping to over 100m. Here you’ll discover a noteworthy assortment of delicate corals and an abundance of marine life counting hammerhead sharks within the summer months and maritime white tips in harvest time. All through the rest of the year whale sharks and mantas sometimes visit the levels. When you’re not being diverted by the pelagic activity there’s an entire have of marine life to appreciate, counting clouds of anthias, tutoring snappers, turtles, fish, jacks, and barracuda. This location is prescribed for progressed level jumpers due to solid streams and erratic conditions.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

3.Jackson Reef – the Straits of Tiran, Sharm el Sheikh:

Maximum depth: 70m

Visibility: up to 50m

This world-class reef is found at the entrance of the Inlet of Aqaba and brags copious corals. You’re moreover likely to spot expansive fish, barracuda, trevally jackfish, and on the off chance that amazingly fortunate, sharks. For specialized jumping wreck addicts, the posterior of Jackson joins the wreck Lara that sank at the starting of the 1980s.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

4.Marsa Shagra House Reef:

Maximum depth: 65m +

Visibility: up to 50m

An ensured range for the final 30 a long time, Marsa Shagra is one of the foremost pristine house reefs within the Ruddy Ocean. As well as being wealthy in corals and common reef angle life, there are a number of inhabitant green and hawksbill turtles, passing hawk beams, stonefish, scorpionfish, and nudibranchs. In the summer months, the reef level is home to infant dark tip reef sharks and within the early mornings, it isn't exceptional for dolphins to visit and rest within the shielded inlet. Sightings of passing whale sharks and mantas have expanded drastically within a final couple of a long time.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

5.The SS Thistlegorm – Sha’ab Ali:

Maximum depth: 35m

Visibility: up to 50m

There’s an intellect-blowing history including this 125-meter wreck. Swimming past weapons, motorbikes, and Bedford trucks, you get a spooky understanding into life in the midst of WWII. A bounce around the superstructure gives an astounding presentation to this submerged wonder but don’t miss the holds and cabins which contain the curious cargo. All this in development to the riches of marine life, makes it one bounce not to be missed.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

6. Marsa Abu Dabab:

Maximum depth: 20m

Visibility: Up to 50m

Effectively gotten to specifically from the shoreline, usually a fulfilling jump location with a part to offer for all jumpers. Numerous jumpers attempt their luckiness spotting a dugong touching on the seagrass but there’s bounty more to see, counting monster touching green turtles, guitar beams, cuttlefish, and, for those with a great eye, apparition pipefish, and seahorses.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

7.The Canyon – Dahab:

Maximum Depth: 50m +

Visibility: up to 50m

The entrance to this jump, through a shallow tidal pond, offers staggering light impacts and adolescent angle. Passing through a little coral door to an amazing sandy level that has numerous little coral apexes, this shore plunge gives a chance to see the puzzling Ruddy Ocean Walkman as well as the perfectly enhanced pepper moray eel. Swimming along with the level, you may notice a split within the reef, which on the off chance that you jump into opens up to a breath-taking cavern full of ax and glassfish.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

8.Shaab Claudia:

Maximum depth: 20m

Visibility: Up to 50m

A canyon framework runs through the south portion of the reef comprising of two primary chambers associated with an arrangement of littler channels and swim-throughs. Due to the canyons being open to the surface the daylight streams through, casting mesmerizing bars of light. Impressive shake and reef structures make fun turns and turns occupied by an assortment of marine life counting nudibranchs, snappers, goatfish, fusiliers, and blue-spotted beams.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

9.The Million Hope:

Maximum Depth: 25m

Visibilityup to 50m

One of the more up to date plunge destinations within the range and the greatest wreck within the Ruddy Ocean (175 m) The Million Hope Trust sank in 1996. The prettiest portion of this plunge is one of the cranes that fell into the ocean amid the rescue endeavors and gives shield for glassfish, lionfish, and indeed resplendent phantom pipefish.

 The fundamental superstructure presents numerous swim-throughs, while the purge holds deliver the dream of being in submerged swimming pools whereas schools of snapper, batfish, and rabbitfish spin over your head.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt

10. Shaab Samadai (Dolphin House):

Maximum depth: 40m +

Visibility: Up to 50m

This horseshoe-shaped reef broadly gives a resting point for spinner dolphins. Set beneath an administration arrange by neighborhood NGO, HEPCA, the dolphins can select whether to enter ranges where snorkelers and jumpers are permitted or remain within the secured area.

 The reef offers an assortment of plunging profiles; investigate the canyons on the tip of the reef, jump the drop-off on the north-eastern side of the reef, or take after the simple reef plunge on the southern side where an amazing difficult coral plant can be found. An entirety cluster of marine life can be found here counting nudibranchs, turtles, bannerfish, moray eels, triggerfish, barracudas, and noteworthy schools of fusiliers.

Top 10 Dive Sites in Egypt




